Saturday, June 27, 2009

In Loving Memory of Fiffy.....

Yesterday, 26th June 2009, my very first dog Fiffy passed away peacefully at 11.45 a.m. She has been suffering major illness due to old age so I was kinda relieve that she finally gets to end it all. But what I regretted the most was when Fiffy decided to leave us when Daddy is not around. The day before, my parents went with Jeno to Penang. Fiffy has always been Daddy's best friend. Since Fiffy was aggressive by nature, Daddy was the only one never been bitten by her.
I still remember when Fiffy came into our lives. It was early 1997. Bryan came home one evening with a skinny brown female puppy. She was already about 3-4 months old and my siblings decided to named her Fiffy. I was so scared of her that whenever she came near me, I ran away. I remember my family lets Fiffy to stay inside the house and I'll be having my lunch with all my legs on the chair. It took me a while before I could get used to the idea of having a dog. You see,I was not born with the love for animals. This is a passion I acquired after living with dogs for over a decade. Just when I was getting use to the idea of having a dog, Fiffy gave birth to nine puppies. Owh my, imagine the joy! Nine puppies!! All were so damn cute. I remembered they were white ones, brown ones, black ones, even with patches. We decided to keep two, one white, Egor and brown, Shadow. Egor later became my most trusted best friend. But unfortunately, he passed away on the 28-08-2006, 9 years of such wonderful memories. I missed him dearly. I would give anything in the world to get him back. But, wishes can only go so far. Shadow on the other hand is still with us, 12 years old and still going handsomely strong :) Fiffy gave birth to two more batches after that, once a year. And on the last batch, we got Chance @ Kuchen. This is another tragic case. I do not wish to elaborate as it will make me shed more tears. Plus,it's Fiffy's turn. So,we burried Fiffy next to Egor and Kuchen. Very nostalgic as Fiffy finally return to her sons. Aboy and Kikiz was with me yesterday. We dug her grave while it was drizzling. Hopefully she likes it. I am very sad that she's gone,but somehow,I couldn't shed any tears. I don't know why.. After the burial, we went back Kuching feeling rather emotional. The news about Micheal Jackson's death shocked the world. The whole universe were mourning his death, and deep down,I feel they were mourning Fiffy's death too. Fiffy has always been the Diva in our family, and she choose to die as one too by sharing the same D.O.D. with the King..

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